学生们在校园湖人探索与雇主的机会 Accelerated Talent Link event

People lined up on either side of tables converse.
Carly Wolfe,右二,与Acrisure的Chris Holka交谈, 左图,在湖人加速人才链接与雇主见面活动期间 in Henry Hall January 23.

Carly Wolfe, a statistics major, has a knack for 但也需要弄清楚如何把她的热情转向 data analysis into a career.

所以她加入了湖人队的“与雇主见面”活动 event Jan. 23 in Henry Hall as Grand Valley showcased the possibilities of the Laker Accelerated Talent Link .

The Talent Link pairs Grand Valley students with 提供强化实习经验的公司 students. The program also features opportunities to earn a 商业或技术相关领域的证书 degree; scholarship support from the partner employer and, if the 课程完成后,毕业时雇主将提供真诚的工作机会.

Wolfe对应用数据分析很感兴趣 证书,说程序的结构,有这么多步骤 in place, is appealing.

Tatyana White是Corewell Health的高级人才项目专家, 左图,在湖人加速人才交流会上与学生交谈 the Employers event.

"Otherwise, I'd be shooting in the dark. That's 我在做什么,然后我发现了这个,我想“这听起来太棒了 对我来说太完美了,’”沃尔夫说,她补充说,她很兴奋 应用她在数据科学辅修课程中学到的知识的可能性.

Wolfe is hoping to be part of the next cohort of 该项目于2023年启动,是一项创新的 工作与学习的伙伴关系提供定制的学习 满足密歇根人才需求的经验.

"The Laker Accelerated Talent Link is off to a 良好的开端,我们渴望接下来产生更大的影响 year," President Philomena V. Mantella said. "Making an 在我们的帮助下,早期的联系对学生和雇主都有好处 build Michigan's talent pipeline."

Some students attended the event knowing about the 人才链接,而其他路过的人停下来了解更多.

Dana Hebreard, Talent Link项目专家(左)与学生Adedolapo Adeniji(右)交谈.
劳伦·巴布(左)与喀斯喀特工程公司的雇主交谈. Babb是一名学习统计学和心理学的学生.

市场营销专业的学生阿德多拉波·阿德尼吉就是其中之一 students just learning about the Talent Link. Adeniji said the event 这是一个扩大寻找实习机会的好机会吗 adding in certificate and job possibilities.

A representative at the Acrisure table, Chris Holka, 作为“人才链接”的一部分,在安睿工作的学生们都有这样的经历 一个在全球公司发挥影响力的机会 为实习生的成功做好准备,期望他们会 progress to full-time employment.

Holka, senior IT recruiter, said the company also 从不同的角度受益于第一个队列 students from liberal education backgrounds bring.

"Last cycle we hired a history major inside of our 智能自动化数据分析小组,”霍尔卡说. “她对那些数字,对那些 数据,找出事件发生的原因 they did and being able to tie that together. She was able to bring 并将其应用到商业环境中." 

他说,这种经历是人才通的一个标志 詹妮弗·德雷克,文理学院院长.

"The Talent Link provides employers with 全面发展,为学生就业做好准备,并给予学生主修 文理学院的课程有机会 showcase their skills," Drake said. "Our students are 具备全球视野,沟通能力强 技能,创造性解决问题的能力,所有这些都是 highly desirable to employers. The Talent Link is an investment in our students and in our community. We are committed to its growth."


Indeed, one of the representatives at the Corewell 健康桌的Kaylee Bueche说,她觉得自己与 具有博雅教育背景的学生,注意她一开始的情况 卫生保健沟通和管理,然后最终 moved into a recruitment role.

她说,人才通道提供了一个机会 对于那些没有普通商业学位的学生.

"To be successful in business, even if you have 数据分析或其他硬技能所需的技能,你 仍然需要能够沟通和团队合作 member," Bueche said. "I feel like these students need someone to take a chance on them."

Bueche的同事Tatyana White说,“人才链接” 还帮助学生介绍了就业机会 Corewell Health that go beyond the medical field.

"In my role it's about building 高级人才项目专家怀特说. “能够提供一些独特和不同的东西 让学生更多地了解我们,也让我们更多地了解我们 the community and the community's needs."

